What is the cost of midwifery services?

The total cost of care for 2025 due dates is $6,800-$7400.

There is a $1000 deposit due- along with signed agreements- by your first appointment. All fees are to be paid by 36 weeks gestation. There are multiple payment plans available to help clients come to their fee in the Financial Agreement. Please don’t let cost be a barrier from you accessing midwifery care. We are open to brainstorming and bartering, we can almost always work something out!

Do you accept insurance?

No, conventional insurance cannot be used for home birth midwifery services.
We can accept payment from HSA or FSA accounts. We are contracted with a professional biller who specializes in home birth care and can guide you through insurance reimbursement for a small fee.   

Are there any other costs/fees for midwifery care?

Ultrasounds and lab work are not included in the total fee, however, most insurance companies cover those costs in full.

You will also need to purchase a birth kit at around 34 weeks that has supplies for your birth. This will cost between $100-$150 depending on if you are planning a waterbirth.
Other costs to consider include doula support (STRONGLY recommended for first-time home birthers), childbirth education courses, lactation consultants, birth photographer, etc. 

Can I transfer from another provider?

Yes, you can!  If you are unhappy in your care and your values align with midwifery care, AND your risk assessment shows you are a candidate for an out-of-hospital birth, then it’s an option!  Once we have agreed to work together, you can have your current provider transfer over your records. 

What if the birth doesn’t go as planned?

The backup transfer plans are always discussed prenatally. Parents choose their preferred hospital in the event of a non-emergent transfer and the closest transfer provider in the event of an urgent/emergent transfer. We will also discuss which hospitals might be more supportive of your birthing vision should we need to transfer non-emergently. 

This is NOT homebirth at all costs; this is midwifery care with great intentions to have a baby at home.
We invest in continuing education and skills practice in birth emergencies often

All midwives and assistants are trained and skillful in managing more common complications at home such as Neonatal Resuscitation, postpartum hemorrhage, and shoulder dystocia.