homebirth midwifery care

Prenatal Care

Midwifery care is: Preventative - Holistic- Individualized

This means that we offer all of the standard pregnancy screening tools - but we also focus greatly on:

  • nourishing your body and your baby through nutritional and herbal support

  • understanding your current birth belief system

  • looking deeper into common discomforts and imbalances with a root cause and trauma-informed approach

  • building your birth team and calling in your village

  • building a strong, trusting client/provider relationship

Parents are encouraged to participate in their own experience as much as possible. This can look like using intuition as authoritative knowledge, “catching” your own baby, mother-led placenta birth, etc.

This is YOUR experience and we are honored to walk beside you through it.

Prenatal Care Schedule

          8-28 Weeks of Pregnancy: Visit once a month    |    28-36 Weeks of Pregnancy: Visit once every 2 weeks  

Home Visit @ 36 Weeks- Whole Birth Team Present

  36-40 Weeks of Pregnancy: Weekly visits    |     41+ Weeks of Pregnancy: Visits 1-2x a week


As the birthing window approaches, we will be in closer communication. We want to hear about all the changes happening both physically and mentally/emotionally leading up to your labor.

We will be on call for your birth from 37 weeks on. We arrive during active labor and stay 2-4 hours postpartum.

During this time, we are attuning ourselves to the physiological process that’s unfolding. Labor can wax and wane and requires attentiveness, intuition, surrender, and nuance. Our job is to hold space for this dance to take place just as much as it is our job to monitor and asses risk.

If at any point your body or your baby is communicating a need for something greater than we can access at home, we will make the collaborative decision to transfer for a higher level of care.


The postpartum period is both joyful and tender. We honor the Mother-Baby Dyad as one Being. Both newly imprinted by the transformation of the birth experience. Both requiring gentle care and attention. During the immediate postpartum (birth- to about 4 hours after)- we are there to assist in a smoothe transition for both mom and baby. This looks like honoring the birth of the placenta, assessing bleeding, establishing breastfeeding, having a nourishing meal, and tucking everybody into bed. We offer a full newborn exam, vitamin K (oral or injectable), CCHD screening, metabolic screening, and birth certificate filing.

 Postpartum Visit Schedule:

24-48 hrs    |    Day 5    |    2-Week Virtual Check in   

3-Week in-office| 6-Week in-office

Postpartum visits may be adjusted to meet each family’s unique needs.

Please visit the FAQ page for financial and additional information